Well, a lot happened in the month of January. Let's start with New Years'. Tim and Cayley fell asleep at 8:30 and 10:30 respectively. When the clock struck midnight, I went out in the 20 something degree weather and watched our backyard neighbors set off "illegal" fireworks, as they were shouting with each explosion and flying bang. I wasn't too worried considering there was about 12-15 inches of snow.
Then, the second week of school, we had the semester break and my job assignment changed slightly. I was taken from Northridge High school and switched over to Canyon Heights High school, which is an alternative High school for teenage mothers and other kids with anxiety issues. Sounds crazy right? Well, actually it is awesome because the 3-4 girls in my classes know that they need to finally buckle down and pass their classes so that they can get a job. This position however is only for 2 periods a day so I am at Layton for an extra period. This class is the exact opposite end of the spectrum where there are 3-4 boys who think the only purpose of school is so "their parents can get a free babysitter".Pretty much, I have been told that if they don't burn the building down or destroy things, or assult girls/boys, to consider the day a success. There are good days and bad days but I am starting to feel better.
On January 16, 2009, my Grandma Valenza, passed away from what we think was a massive heart attack. She fell and hurt her back just after Thanksgiving and since, had been having chest pains that she thought were heart attacks but every test was run and results came back normal. She was 79 and had small issues that probably combined to cause the big problem but it was very much a surprise to us all. She is survived by her 3 older siblings, 2 kids, 7 grandkids, and 2 great grand kids and her dog Maggie. She was very vocal about her love for her family and didn't use the lack of money as an excuse not to spoil Cayley and Collin. We were able to attend the viewing and funeral in Peoria, Az, and the burial in Simi Valley, Ca, the following Wednesday and Saturday. It was emotional and still feels unreal since we don't get to see the family very often but we were comforted in the fact that she has been re-united with Grandpa and other friends that preceeded her. She has a simple faith in our religion and will be missed by family, friends and church members who frequent the library on Sunday's. ( I will add picturs of Grandma when I get home)Grandma didn't leave us wealth in the monitary sense but she left us with her knowledge and skills of cooking yummy Italian food, crocheting and love of games. Jenn and I went through some of her things and we were able to divide her collection of movies, mostly musicals, bags full of yarn, and collection of salt and pepper shakers. We have many memories of grandma and can't wait to see her again. We love you Grandma!
That was January in a nutshell. Some happy, some sad but at any rate, we have learned a lot and are better for what experiences we endure.